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Gus Stieffenhofer-Brandson’s Coronita Supremé (Beet & Summer Squash Salad Rolls)

Our good friend, Gus Stieffenhofer-Brandson (@muchogustos), the chef extraordinaire at one of our hubs, Published at Main, has shared this work of culinary art that you can make at home with some of the goodies from your Barnston Box. Make sure you tag us (@biherbs) if you post the results to your social media feed!


1 gold beet
1 Ambrosia apple
1 red grapefruit
1 avocado
1 med white onion
1 zucchini
Barnston Island pea shoots
1 tbsp sourdough miso (any miso will do)
2 tbsp yuzu juice (or lime juice)
1 tsp sriracha
pickling liquid (3 parts vinegar, 2 parts water, 1 part sugar)
dill oil (1 part dill, 1 part grapeseed oil; blended and strained)
salt, to taste


Sheet gold beet (wide, thin slices) and cut into canneloni shape. Marinate in pickling liquid.

Sheet 1/2 zucchini and cut into cannelloni shape. Marinate in dill oil.

Brunoise (fine dice) avocado, apple, grapefruit, onion, and 1/2 zucchini.

Mix miso, yuzu juice, sriracha for dressing. Add enough dressing to liberally coat the diced fruit and vegetable, and season to taste with salt.

Using about 1 tbsp of salad mix per roll, make mini salad rolls using beet and zucchini sheets. Alternate beet and zucchini rolls on the plate.

Mix together 1 part pickling liquid and 1 part dill oil leftover to make sauce for the plate.

Garnish with pea shoots and serve.